Monday, November 8, 2010

Night by the Shrine

This one night in summer, some friends and I decided to go to the shrine to check out the fireflies. So we set out the mats and had a little picnic there. At first things were pretty fun. It was really cool and quiet out, and we were all having a good time. But then things started to get weird.

Around midnight we started to hear strange sounds coming from behind one of the buildings. It came quietly at first but then the noise got louder.

To me, the noise sounded like that of a child's laughter, an evil demon-seed child. My other friends thought it sounded like an old crazy lady chanting, or someone crying. At this point I'm pretty damn scared because whatever it was it was coming closer.

It was exactly like one of those situations straight out of a horror movie. And just like the movies, my 2 white friends suggested that we go and "investigate" the noise. I kid you not! that stereotype is so true.

Now.. there were 5 of us in all, 3 whities and 2 asians.

And me being the cowardly lion that I am, I started running towards my bike which was parked way across the bridge. The other asian ran too, we know better! I know my horror flicks, minorities always die first! As for the 3rd friend, she felt torn between fear and obligation. She wanted to run, but felt compelled to stay behind and clean up.

So what was the noise? they said it was a bunch of feral cats fighting. Demonic shrine kitties. Ok so I got scared off by a bunch of wild cats. Would it make me seem like any less of a wuss if I mention that I'm allergic to cats? no? ok T_T

Afterwards we stopped to eat at Jolly Pasta because nothing gets your appetite going better than fear. What an awesomely random night.

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